Customized Stop-the-Slip Solutions
For Your Unique Conditions

Your Stop-the-Slip Solutions Graded:

Handi-Treads Shower & Bath Strips: A

Bath tubs and showers are, according to research, some of the most dangerous slip-and-fall areas in the bathroom.  However, don’t worry as Handi-Treads Stop-the-Slip has the answer!  First in our lineup of bath tub and shower safety products are vinyl bath strips.  Available in both clear and white vinyl, the bath strips are both effective and attractive. The non-slip vinyl treads are easy to apply with an adhesive backing that is strong enough to keep the treads securely in place, but that also can be removed in the future if desired. Handi-Treads shower and bathtub treads come in packs of 12 and measure .75″ x 7.5″. Bath and Shower Strips are easy to apply and easy to maintain.  They can be mopped or wiped down with soap and water with ease.   You can expect Handi-Treads Stop-the-Slip Bath and Shower Strips to last for 3 to 5 years.

Total Score: A

Effectiveness: A
Installation & Maintenance: A
Durability: A
Initial Price: B
Long-Term Value: A

Handi-Treads Shower & Bath Mats: A

Handi-Treads Stop-the-Slip shower and bath mats are an excellent way to make a tub or shower a safer place. Available in both clear and white vinyl,  and in two sizes, the bath mats are an effective and attractive way to make your home a safer place. For showers, Handi-Treads Shower & Bath Mats come in a 24″ square size with a drain cutout in the center.  For your bathtub we have designed a 40″ long by 16″ wide size with a cutout at the end of the long end of the mat. The non-slip vinyl mats are easy to apply with an adhesive backing that is strong enough to keep the mat securely in place, but that also can be removed in the future if desired. Stop-the-Slip Bath and Shower Mats are easy to apply and easy to maintain.  They can and should be wiped down with soap and water to remove any soap build-up.  Best of all, unlike suction cup rubber bath mats, soap scum and dirt don’t build up underneath the mat. You can expect Handi-Treads Stop-the-Slip Bath and Shower Mats to last for 3 to 5 years.

Total Score: A

Effectiveness: A
Installation & Maintenance: A
Durability: A
Initial Price: B
Long-Term Value: A

ClearGrip Treads: A

In the bathroom, ClearGrip Treads and Circles can provide excellent traction in a shower while allowing the natural beauty of a ceramic tile, natural stone, or sealed concrete to shine through. The non-slip vinyl treads are easy to apply with an adhesive backing that is strong enough to keep the treads securely in place, but that also can be removed in the future if desired. ClearGrip Treads come in either 6″ x 24″, 6″ x 12″ and 4″ circle sizes that can be trimmed if desired.  ClearGrip Treads and tape can also be used on virtually any bath or shower surface. Clean up is a breeze as they can be mopped or wiped down with soap and water. You can expect ClearGrip Treads to last for 3 to 5 years. It’s important to remember that the darker the color of the shower floor, the more visible the ClearGrip products will be. On light colored floors the vinyl tread is nearly invisible. On dark tile or stone, you will notice it.

Total Score: A

Effectiveness: A
Installation & Maintenance: A
Durability: A
Initial Price: B
Long-Term Value: A

Rubber Bathtub Mats : C

Rubber bath mats equipped with suction cups can, if properly designed, enhance the traction in a wet tub. While they are not particularly attractive, the rubber does provide additional friction when soapy or wet. The biggest problem with rubber suction cup mats for tubs is that soap scum and dirt build up underneath the mat.  You can also see both mold and mildew build up on the bathtub mat. There is no installation required with mats as they can be laid down in the bathtub or shower. Depending upon thickness and quality of the rubber or fabric mat material you can expect the mat to last 1 to 2 years before they deteriorate.
Common bath mat with suction cups

Total Score: C

Effectiveness: C Installation & Maintenance: D Durability: C Initial Price: B Long-Term Value: C