Commercial buildings can be susceptible to slip and fall accidents due to the high volume of foot traffic accommodated on a daily basis. It is the duty of the business owner to ensure the safety of their customers and avoid injury liability by taking proactive measures to reduce the risk of a slip and fall.
Stop the Slip with Handi-Treads at Commercial Locations

The Stop the Slip Solution

HandiTreads provide low-cost, durable protection against ground level safety hazards. Whether it’s  water on the floor, grease from machinery, ice, snow, oil – you name it, HandiTreads will keep your customers on their feet, guaranteed.

In areas where aluminum treads are not appropriate because of sanitary regulations, such as in commercial kitchens, HandiTreads Grit Tape and Grit Treads are the perfect solution.

HandiTreads Aluminum Treads feature a unique raised-traction aluminum design that stands up to harsh weather and heavy wear. Whereas grit tape or grit paint will eventually fall apart after prolonged use, HandiTreads maintain their safety presence for decades. The treads can be easily installed on most floor surfaces, and our installation guide will take you through the process.

The best part is that once our treads have been installed, you will never have to worry about slip and fall hazards again. The peace of mind stemming from the fact that your business is slip-proof allows you to focus more of your time on other important issues.


National Zoo
Blanchfield Army Hospital
Park Marina
Cape Place at Missouri State
Hamilton Longwood Gardens
Georgia College

The Pointe at Western Michigan University
Heritage Properties
Athens Academy
San Antonio Zoo
Florida Institute for Neurologic Rehabilitation
Dozens of condominium associations nationwide

HandiTreads Commercial Use Gallery