Improvements in worker training, increased awareness, and the application of newer and better safety technology has made the average industrial workplace safer in recent years. However, preventable workplace injuries still occur at an alarming rate.

  • 303,800 workplace fall injuries occurred in 2000 (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • 95 million workdays are lost due to slip and fall injuries (Source: Liberty Mutual)

Slips, trips and falls are a multi-billion dollar commercial expense and, according to the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index, account for three of the top ten sources of workers’ compensation costs.

Slip and fall hazards present themselves in a variety of different workplace environments: exterior stairs and walkways, ramps, maintenance areas, product washing stations, areas surrounding sinks and water fountains, product fabrication areas, machine tool areas, and spray booths.

Stop the Slip with Handi-Treads at Industrial Locations

The Stop the Slip Solution

HandiTreads Aluminum Treads and Aluminum Stair Nosings provide the ideal cost-effective solution to slip and fall hazards. Their unique rust-proof aluminum design features raised traction bumps that provide extra grip support on high-risk slip and fall surfaces. Industrial workplaces will often use a grit tape or grit paint to prevent slip and fall injuries, but these products wear out after prolonged use. HandiTreads are durable and manufactured to last for years without the need for replacement.

Our treads can be easily installed on virtually any industrial surface, such as on a concrete shop floor in front of machinery, and stand up to the chemicals and cleaning supplies often used in these environments. They will keep your workers on their feet, guaranteed.


RR Donnelley
British Petroleum
Oak Ridge Laboratories

Pacific Gas and Electric
Eastman Kodak
Three Mile Island

Stop the Slip Industrial Use Gallery